#Tubman20: Go Social

The Human Art Tribe has bombarded United States cities with Tubman Twenties. Help us bombard social media with #Tubman20 posts!
This part of the project can’t be achieved without your help. Share on your social media profiles:
- Pictures of Tubman Twenties
- Links to this website
- Pictures of yourself in a Tubman20 t-shirt
And don’t forget to use the hashtag #Tubman20!
More than 300,000 Tubman Twenties went out on the first weekend, but there are still many Americans who will not find a bill and therefore may not know about the petition. They need to hear about this important project another way.That’s where you come in. Ask all of your friends to sign the petition which will be delivered to the President and Treasury Secretary.
Tubman’s bravery and heroism needs to be recognized. Andrew Jackson’s white supremacy needs to be seen for what it truly is. That’s why we need #Tubman20 to trend on social media.
Help us accomplish that by sharing #Tubman20 content on your social media pages today!
Upload a Picture
Add your Tubman Twenty to the registry of found bills using this form.
Upon approval, all fields except your email address will be publicly displayed on our website and social media.